FlakesMA - Annex program for DGMM 2024 https://pageperso.lis-lab.fr/edouard.thiel/DGMM2024/ CC BY-SA Edouard.Thiel@univ-amu.fr - 04/09/2023 - v1.1 Compilation of FlakesMA ======================= Contents : 0. Preamble 1. On Ubuntu or Debian-like 2. On Windows 2.1 On Windows 1x with WSL or WSL2 2.2 On Windows 1x with MinGW64 3. On MacOS 0. Preamble --------- Uncompress the archive FlakesMA-vx.y.tgz 1. On Ubuntu or Debian-like ------------------------ Open a terminal and type: sudo apt install g++ make libopencv-dev Then go to the archive directory with the cd command, and type make -j all ./flakes-ma-gui IMAGES/seal_K3.pgm If during compilation there are error messages relating to pkg-config (for example on Ubuntu <= 18.04), edit the Makefile, replace "OPENCV = opencv4" with "OPENCV = opencv", then restart the compilation. 2. On Windows ----------- 2.1 On Windows 1x with WSL or WSL2 ------------------------------ WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) enables a Linux virtual machine to be natively into Windows, with a choice of distributions. Advantages : - easy and fairly quick to install, and then you can install all your Linux software with apt install. Disadvantage: - when WSL is installed, you may have trouble with VirtualBox. To install WSL or WSL2 on Windows, with an Ubuntu distribution: https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/wsl/install-win10 On Windows 10, also install an X server for graphics display: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/ After installation, in the Windows menu, run VcXsrv / XLaunch then accept all the default values. To test, type in the Ubuntu terminal : sudo apt install x11-apps xclock Installing OpenCV: open an Ubuntu terminal and type : sudo apt install g++ make libopencv-dev In the archive directory, modify the Makefile by setting OPENCV = opencv In the Ubuntu terminal, go to the archive directory with the command cd, then type make -j all ./flakes-ma-gui IMAGES/seal_K3.pgm 2.2 On Windows 1x with MinGW64 --------------------------- MinGW is a set of GNU utilities for Windows (gcc, make, etc). Advantages : - you can develop with gcc for the Windows API, even for older Windows. Disadvantages: - OpenCV must be compiled (easy, but takes 1 to 2 hours depending on the machine); - OpenCV's trackbars (sliders) are a bit ugly and impractical. a) Install Mingw-w64 : http://www.mingw-w64.org/doku.php/download/mingw-builds click on Sourceforge ... Save the file open mingw-w64-install.exe Setup: leave as default (Threads: posix) Destination folder: replace with c:\local\mingw64 (create sub-directories), Next, Finish. In Windows Help : type "Environment" -> Modify environment variables in the System Properties window, Advanced System Settings, at the bottom Environment variables... in System Variables: click on Path, modify, new add: c:\local\mingw64\mingw32\bin Open a terminal ("command prompt") type: echo %PATH% and check that the path to mingw appears. type: g++ --version to check that g++ works. b) OpenCV sources https://github.com/opencv/opencv/releases choose the most recent, Source code (zip) Unzip it on your desktop for example: C:\Users\thiel\Desktop\opencv-4.5.3 c) Install cmake https://cmake.org/download/ choose Latest Stable Release, Binary distribution, Windows x64 installer, .msi check Add CMake to the system PATH for all users Install CMake to: c:\local\CMake\ (create subdirectory) Run cmake-gui d) Compiling OpenCV in cmake-gui : where is the source code: C:/Users/thiel/Desktop/opencv-4.5.3 where to build the binaries: C:/local/opencv/build-4.5.3-mingw64 (create the sub-directories) Configure Generator : MinGW Makefiles, default, Finish then wait for... "Configuration done" Generate ... Generating done Exit Open a terminal cd C:\local\opencv\build-4.5.3-mingw64 mingw32-make ... general compilation, about 1 hour ... mingw32-make install Finally, in the environment variables, in System variables: click on Path, modify, new C:\local\opencv\build-4.5.3-mingw64\installx64\mingw\bin Close the current terminal and open a new terminal; check PATH by typing: echo %PATH%. Type: opencv_version (displays, for example: 4.5.3) e) Compiling FlakesMA Go to the archive directory. Copy the following 2 lines into a "make.bat" file, removing the spaces on the left: @REM Script for Windows, to call make with Makefile-mingw mingw32-make -f Makefile-mingw %* Edit Makefile-mingw, changing the path and version if necessary: OPENCVPATH = C:\local\opencv\build-4.5.3-mingw64\install VER = 453 Type : make -j all flakes-ma-gui.exe IMAGES/seal_K3.pgm 3. On MacOS --------- Open a terminal and type : brew install g++ make opencv Edit the Makefile file located in the archive directory, to replace "OPENCV = opencv4" with "OPENCV = opencv". Then go to the archive directory with the cd command, and type make -j all ./flakes-ma-gui IMAGES/seal_K3.pgm