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2. Configuration

2.1. The skeleton directory

The whole configuration lies in the sub-directory skel-mkdocs-et/. Here is its organization:

$ tree --dirsfirst skel-mkdocs-et/
├── images
│   └── tux2.gif
├── includes
│   ├──
│   ├── example2.txt
│   ├── mydefs.html
│   └── scores.php
├── javascripts
│   └── config.js
├── overrides
│   └── main.html
├── stylesheets
│   └── extra.css
├── htaccess
└── mkdocs.yml

The sub-directories will be copied as is in the site:

  • images/ : put here for instance your favicon.ico, and every image your site needs.
  • includes/ : some files to be included in the pages, here examples.
  • javascripts/ : the file config.js is executed on each page loading.
  • overrides/ : it contains theme customizations.
  • stylesheets/ : the file extra.css is included in each page.

The three last files play the following role:

  • : the main config file for Mkdocs-et, see below.
  • htaccess : it will be copied as .htaccess to the root of the site. It indicates to the httpd (Apache) server how to handle some mime types and file extensions.
  • mkdocs.yml : the main config file for Mkdocs, see right after.


When in serve mode ( serve running), each time a file is modified in these subdirectories, Mkdocs will immediatly re-build everything and update the page seen on http://localhost:8000/, in the same way as for the .md files in the main directory.

The configuration files and mkdocs.yml in turn are monitored by each 10 seconds, so it may take a little longer for the automatic update to fire.

2.2 The file

The file skel-mkdocs-et/ is the main configuration file for Mkdocs-et; it will be sourced by the bash script at each run.

Target web server

The file is self-documented. The first part describe your target web server:

# Your login on the target web server

# Base directory on the target server
ssh connection

The script run more smoothly if it can connect via ssh without a password; for that, create a public key and copy it to the target server (replace the target host below):

$ test -f ~/.ssh/ || ssh-keygen -t rsa
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Now that it is done, you can publish your web site simply by typing

$ ./ publish --all

or by filtering out

$ ./ publish --lec 2 --prw 3

When in filtering mode, the pages hidden by the filters will be removed from the server (thanks to the rsync option --delete).


The script first display the changes that will be made (rsync --dry-run), then ask you to continue. To force the mirroring, add option -f at the end of the command line.

The second part describe the Navigation menu (left or top menu on the page). It will be used by to generate on the fly the nav: section for the YAML configuration file mkdocs.yml.

This is related to the main feature of Mkdocs-et, which is filtering pages to be published.

The definitions come in three parts: the first (NAV_BEGIN) and the third (NAV_END) will always be included, whereas the second (NAV_FILTERS + NAV_FILES) is the filtered part.

# Navigation : mandatory part
# Line format is "|file_name|short_title", 
# where the first char is the separator (here "|").
    "||Main page"
    "||Creating a new site"


# Filters for navigation :
# - line format is "option:file_pattern"
# - each option will be available as a command line argument "--option"
# - each file corresponding to file_pattern will be copied on the site
#   (? stands for 1 char and * stands for any string)
# - the number in the file name can be in any position, but not in an extension

# List of titles associated to filtered files.
# Line format is "|file_name|short_title"
# where the first char is the separator (here "|").
    "||L 01 - Markdown syntax"
    "||L 02 - More Markdown"
    "||L 03 - Extended Markdown"
    "||L 04 - Other extensions"
    "||PW 01 - Maths"
    "||PW 02 - Diagrams"
    "||PW 03 - Php form"
    "||PW 04 - Jinja2"

Beware, the syntax VARIABLE=(...) is bash syntax for a list, in which there must be no space around = and no comma inside parenthesis.

2.3 The file mkdocs.yml

The file skel-mkdocs-et/mkdocs.yml is the Mkdocs configuration file, in YAML format. Beware to the indentation and to the - and : signs!

The file is already configured, but feel free to modify it, using the documents:

The nav: section defines the navigation menu. It must be at the end of the file because will append sections on the fly, depending on filter options. If the nav: line is commented, the script will append one.

As you can see, a number of plugins and extensions are selected; other ones may be added, but some of them can conflict with each other or not run at all.