Npic Reference Manual

Copyright (C) 2003 Edouard Thiel <>

9 december 2010

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1. Npic Functions

In this chapter we describe all public functions from libNpic. In each section we give the links to the sources, which are self-documented.

In the following, a function is said verbose if it prints something in the console, else it is said silent.

Each object (image, mask, etc) has a field telling if it is ok or not. When created, an object has ok set to true ; any failing operation will set ok to false. From the moment that an object is not ok, all following operations will immediatly return, without doing nothing (the object can just be destroyed).

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1.1. Images in memory


1.1.1. Creation of an image

Sources: image_creat.h , image_creat.c .


    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_2c (int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_2l (int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_2d (int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_2q (int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_3c (int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_3l (int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_3d (int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_3q (int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_4c (int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_4l (int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_4d (int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_4q (int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                                    int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_5c 
                         (int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                          int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_5l 
                         (int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                          int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_5d 
                         (int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                          int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_5q 
                         (int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                          int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_6c 
               (int rmax, int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_6l 
               (int rmax, int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_6d 
               (int rmax, int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateImage_6q 
               (int rmax, int smax, int tmax, int zmax, int ymax, int xmax, 
                int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
Full creation of an image. All pixels are set to 0, including border pixels.

Return the image on success, else NULL. Verbose.

The suffix of NpicCreateImage_dt gives the dimension d (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) and the pixels type t (Npic_c, Npic_l, Npic_d, Npic_q):

Each image can have an "external border", different for each coordinate. This kind of feature is especially useful with masks. The principle is the same for all coordinates, so we just explain for x: the interior of the image is [0 .. xmax[, the left border is [-xbor .. 0[, the right border is [xmax .. xmax+xbor[, the whole image is [-xbor .. xmax+xbor[ . For no border, set xbor to 0.


    Npic_image *np;
    np = NpicCreateImage_.. (..., ymax, xmax, ..., 0, 0, ...);
    if (np == NULL) exit (1);
    NpicDestroyImage (np);


    Npic_image *NpicCreateImageNS (int ntype, Npic_vec *size);
Creation of an image without borders, from image ntype and size, where ntype is one of the constants:

All pixels are set to 0. Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_image *np;
    Npic_vec vs; vs.x = 100; vs.y = 200; vs.z = 150;

    np = NpicCreateImageNS (NPIC_IMAGE_3C, &vs);
    if (np == NULL) ...
    NpicDestroyImage (np);


    Npic_image *NpicCreateImageDPS (int dim, int pixeltype, Npic_vec *size);
Creation of an image without borders, from dimension dim (in 2..6), pixeltype (NPIC_C, NPIC_L, NPIC_D or NPIC_Q), and size. All pixels are set to 0.
Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_image *np;
    Npic_vec vs; vs.x = 100; vs.y = 200; vs.z = 150;

    np = NpicCreateImageDPS (3, NPIC_C, &vs);
    if (np == NULL) ...
    NpicDestroyImage (np);


    void NpicDestroyImage (Npic_image *np);
Free memory of an image (even if NULL or not ok). Silent.


1.1.2. Duplication of an image

Sources: image_creat.h , image_creat.c .


    Npic_image *NpicDupImage (Npic_image *src);
Create an image dest of same type, size and border than src. The pixels are not copied: all pixels of dest are set to 0, including border pixels. Do nothing if src is not ok.

Return dest on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicDupImageB (Npic_image *src, 
                               int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    Npic_image *NpicDupImageB6 (Npic_image *src, 
           int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
The same with other border sizes. Depending on dimension, rbor, sbor, tbor or zbor are ignored.


    void NpicSwapImage (Npic_image *np1, Npic_image *np2);
Swap all fields between images np1 and np2 (even if not ok). Silent.


1.1.3. Checks on images

Sources: image_check.h , image_check.c .


    int NpicImageIsOK (Npic_image *np, const char *funcname);
Check if image is not NULL, has a correct type and is ok. On error, print an error message containing funcname.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else error code.


    int NpicImageIsOK_DS1 (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, 
                           char const *funcname);
    int NpicImageIsOK_DS2 (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, 
                           Npic_image *src2, const char *funcname);
    int NpicImageIsOK_DS3 (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, 
                           Npic_image *src2, Npic_image *src3, 
                           const char *funcname);
Check if all images are ok. On error, set not ok for dest, and print an error message containing funcname.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else error code.


    int NpicSameImage (Npic_image *np1, Npic_image *np2, int what);
Test if the two images have same type, dimension, size or border (even if they are not ok). what is a binary OR between NPIC_TYPE, NPIC_DIM, NPIC_SIZE, NPIC_BORD.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else error code. Silent.


    int NpicImageIsSquare (Npic_image *np1, const char *funcname);
Test if the image is square. On error, set not ok for dest, and print an error message containing funcname.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else error code.


1.1.4. Type to name and vice-versa

Sources: image_ntype.h , image_ntype.c .


    int NpicImageNtype (int dim, int pixeltype);
Describe the image type corresponding to dim and pixeltype, where dim is in 2..6 and pixeltype is one of NPIC_C, NPIC_L, NPIC_D or NPIC_Q.

Return one of these constants: NPIC_IMAGE_2C, .. NPIC_IMAGE_6Q, else NPIC_NONE on error. Silent.


    int NpicImagePixelType (int ntype)
Describe the pixel type from the image type ntype, where ntype is one of NPIC_IMAGE_2C .. NPIC_IMAGE_6Q.
Return one of these constants: NPIC_C, NPIC_L, NPIC_D or NPIC_Q, else NPIC_NONE on error. Silent.


    const char *NpicImageTypeName (int ntype);
Return a static string containing the name of the image type, such as "NPIC_IMAGE_2C", else "ERROR". ntype is one of NPIC_IMAGE_2C .. NPIC_IMAGE_6Q. Silent.


1.1.5. Accessing to the pixels

Sources: image_creat.h , image_creat.c .


    void *NpicCastImage (Npic_image *np1);
Return the typed image inside the n-image np1 (even if not ok). Silent.

We call n-image a variable of type Npic_image, which can store an image having any of the allowed dimensions and pixel types. A typed image is a variable of type Npic_image_dt having a determined dimension d and pixel type t.

The pixels cannot be accessed in a n-image. Since Npic_image is a union of structs, we normally should write Npic_image_dt *p1 = &np1->im_dt to get the typed image p1 from np1; thanks to this function, we can simplier write Npic_image_dt *p1 = NpicCastImage (np1). How does it work ? This is actually a simple cast of the Npic_image* type to void*.

Of course, NpicCastImage must be called after successful creation of an image:

    Npic_image   *np1;   /* the n-image     */
    Npic_image_2c *p1;   /* the typed image */
    np1 = NpicCreateImage_2c (ymax, xmax, 0, 0);
    if (np1 == NULL) return;
    p1 = NpicCastImage (np1);
    for (y = 0; y < p1->ymax; y++)
    for (x = 0; x < p1->xmax; x++)
        p1->tab[y][x] = x+y;
    NpicDestroyImage (np1);


1.1.6. Copying or converting pixels

Sources: image_copy.h , image_copy.c .


    void NpicCopyImageI (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src);
Copy the value of each interior pixel from dest to the corresponding pixel in src. The two images must have same dimension and size.

Do not copy nor modify border pixels. Do nothing if dest or src is not ok. set not ok for dest on error. Verbose.

This function is also usefull for conversion between 2 different images types. Values can be truncated during conversion; no warning is done.


    Npic_image *src, *dest;

    src = NpicReadImage ("file.npz");
    dest = NpicDupImage (src);
    NpicCopyImageI (dest, src);


    void NpicCopyImageIB (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src);
The same, including border pixels. The two images must also have same border widths.


    void NpicCopyImageB (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src);
The same, only on border pixels. The two images must have same border.


    void NpicConvertImage_c (Npic_image *np1);
    void NpicConvertImage_l (Npic_image *np1);
    void NpicConvertImage_d (Npic_image *np1);
Convert image pixels to Npic_c, Npic_l or Npic_d format (border pixels excluded).

Do nothing if np1 is not ok, or if pixels already have the expected type. Set not ok for np1 on error. Verbose.

Values can be truncated during conversion; no warning is done.


1.1.7. Cutting in slices

Sources: image_slice.h , image_slice.c .


    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_r (Npic_image *np1, int t);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_s (Npic_image *np1, int t);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_t (Npic_image *np1, int t);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_z (Npic_image *np1, int z);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_y (Npic_image *np1, int y);
    Npic_image *NpicCreateSlice_x (Npic_image *np1, int x);
Create an image of dimension-1, containing the slice for the coordinate.

Return new image or NULL.

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1.2. More on image border

Images can be created with an external border or not, see section 1.1.1.. This border can be added, changed or canceled after image creation.


1.2.1. Border size

Sources: image_border.h , image_border.c .


    void NpicSetBorderWidth (Npic_image *np,
                             int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
    void NpicSetBorderWidth6 (Npic_image *np,
         int rbor, int sbor, int tbor, int zbor, int ybor, int xbor);
Change border width of image np. The image pixels are unchanged; the border pixels are set to 0. Depending on dimension, rbor, sbor, tbor or zbor are ignored.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


    void NpicSetBorderWidthSame (Npic_image *np, int bord);
Change all border widths of np to same value bord. The image pixels are unchanged; the border pixels are set to 0.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


    void NpicSetBorderWidthMin (Npic_image *np, int bord);
Change the border widths of np which are smaller than bord to the value bord. The image pixels are unchanged; the border pixels are set to 0.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


1.2.2. Setting border pixel values

Sources: image_border.h , image_border.c .

Depending on image type, use function_i for integer pixels, function_d for double pixels, function_q for 4 short pixels.


    void NpicFillWholeZero (Npic_image *np);
Set each pixel to zero, including border pixels.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


    void NpicFillWhole_i (Npic_image *np, int val1);

    void NpicFillWhole_d (Npic_image *np, double val1);

    void NpicFillWhole_q (Npic_image *np, int a, int b, int c, int d);
Set all pixels to the value val1, including border pixels.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


    void NpicFillBorder_i (Npic_image *np, int val1);

    void NpicFillBorder_d (Npic_image *np, double val1);

    void NpicFillBorder_q (Npic_image *np, int a, int b, int c, int d);
Set border pixels to the value val1. The image pixels are unchanged.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


1.2.3. Mirroring

Sources: image_border.h , image_border.c .


    void NpicMirrorBorder (Npic_image *np);
Fill the border with image pixels. The image pixels are unchanged. The Line 1 is copied on line -1, line 2 on line -2, etc; same for rows, etc. Useful for linear filters.

Do nothing if np is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.

As an example, see test-mirror.c.

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1.3. Image Files

Npic knows a number of image formats, which are listed in this section.


1.3.1. By extension

Sources: files_byext.h , files_byext.c , files_hints.h , files_hints.c , files_gz.h , files_gz.c .

The easiest way to read or write a file is to let Npic guess the format from the file extension. If the extension ends by ".gz", ".bz2" or ".7z", then the file is (un)compressed on fly.

Some file formats allow hints at the end of the file name (currently, formats: pnm, pbm, pgm, ppm). A hint is a list of comma-separated words after a ":" and without blanks. The hints are memorized and suppressed from the name. For instance in a file named "tmp1.pnm.gz:16-bit,little-endian", the real name is "tmp1.pnm.gz" and the hints are "16-bit" and "little-endian".


    int NpicWriteImage (Npic_image *np, const char *filename);
Write image in file according to its extension. Do nothing if image is not ok.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicReadImage (const char *filename);
Read image from file according to its extension and create appropriate image.

Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoImage (const char *filename);
Print image informations according to its extension.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *np;
    np = NpicReadImage ("image1.pgm.gz");
    if (np == NULL) exit (1);
    if (NpicWriteImage (np, "image2.npz") != NPIC_SUCCESS) exit (1);
    NpicDestroy (np);

As an example, see npic-conv.c which converts any image file format in another (if possible), and npic-info.c which prints informations of image files.


1.3.2. Npic compressed format NPZ

Sources: files_npz.h , files_npz.c .

The NPZ file format (with .npz extension) is the proposed format to read and save Npic images, whatever the dimension, the pixel type and the endianness.

The beginning of the file is a text header describing the content (use Unix command head to watch it) and the text properties, the next is the bitmap compressed with gzip. See section 3.1.for specifications.

The NPZ file format can store text properties; they are not limited in number neither in size, see section 1.7.3.


    int NpicWriteNPZ (Npic_image *np, const char *filename);
Write file in NPZ format. Only interior pixels are saved. Do nothing if image is not ok.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicReadNPZ (const char *filename);
Read file in NPZ format.

Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoNPZ (const char *filename);
Print infos of a file in NPZ format.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


1.3.3. PAN format for images and volumes

Sources: files_pan.h , files_pan.c .

The PAN file format (extension .pan) is a file format for 2D/3D/3D+t images, proposed by Regis Clouard and others from Greyc, in the Pandore library, and written in C++.

The PAN header is a binary struct, followed by attributes; the datas are raw. The format doesn't allow text properties. The PAN file format can also store objects as graphs, but this is not implemented in Npic.

For non compressed files (with extension .pan), set comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_NONE. You can directly read or write compressed files, having extension .pan.gz, .pan.bz2 or .pan.7z, by setting comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_GZ, NPIC_COMPRESS_BZ2 or NPIC_COMPRESS_7Z.


    int NpicWritePAN (Npic_image *np, const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Write file in PAN format and save Npic_image image, according to its type.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicReadPAN (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Read file in PAN format and create Npic_image image of corresponding type.

Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoPAN (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Print infos of a file in PAN format.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


1.3.4. VOL format for volumes

Sources: files_vol.h , files_vol.c .

The VOL file format (extension .vol) is a file format for 3D images, proposed by David Coeurjolly and Alexis Guillaume, in the SimpleVol library, written in C++.

The VOL header is a list of text properties, describing the dimensions, the endianness, etc, some of these being mandatory. The total number of properties is limited to 64 and their length to 128 char each. See section 1.7.3.

For non compressed files (with extension .vol), set comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_NONE. You can directly read or write compressed files, having extension .vol.gz, .vol.bz2 or .vol.7z, by setting comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_GZ, NPIC_COMPRESS_BZ2 or NPIC_COMPRESS_7Z.


    int NpicWriteVOL (Npic_image *np, const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Write file in VOL format and save Npic_image image of type NPIC_IMAGE_3C or 3L.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicReadVOL (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Read file in VOL format and create Npic_image image of type NPIC_IMAGE_3C or 3L.

Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoVOL (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Print infos of a file in VOL format.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


1.3.5. PNM format for 2D images (PBM/PGM/PPM)

Sources: files_pnm.h , files_pnm.c , files_hints.h , files_hints.c .

The PNM file formats stand for "Portable aNyMap file format" and have .pnm extension in the general case, or .pbm, .pgm and .ppm extensions, respectively, for bitmap 1 bit format, greylevel 8 or 16 bit format, pixmap 8+8+8 or 16+16+16 bit format. See man pnm/pgm/pbm/ppm for specifications.

For non compressed files (with extension .pnm or others), set comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_NONE. You can directly read or write compressed files, having extension .pnm.gz, .pnm.bz2 or .pnm.7z, by setting comp = NPIC_COMPRESS_GZ, NPIC_COMPRESS_BZ2 or NPIC_COMPRESS_7Z.


This file format can be managed with hints at the end of the file name. A hint is a list of comma-separated words after a ":" and without blanks. The hints are memorized and suppressed from the name. For instance in a file named "tmp1.pnm.gz:16-bit,little-endian", the real name is "tmp1.pnm.gz" and the hints are "16-bit" and "little-endian".

To get the available hints list, try writing or saving with the hint help. This prints a help message and stops with an error.

The allowed hints when writing a PNM file with NpicWriteImage are:

The allowed hints when reading a PNM file with NpicReadImage are: Hints should only be used with NpicReadImage and NpicWriteImage, but not with the functions below.


    int NpicWritePNM (Npic_image *np, const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp,
        Npic_pnm_format format, Npic_pnm_option option)
Save a 2C, 2L or 2Q image np in a PNM file.


option is either NPIC_PNM_OPTION_NONE, either a bitwise union of NPIC_PNM_BITMAP (default is greymap), NPIC_PNM_ASCII (default is binary), NPIC_PNM_ALLOW_16_BIT (default is 8 bit), NPIC_PNM_LITTLE_ENDIAN (default is big endian).

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_image *NpicReadPNM (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp,
        Npic_pnm_option option)
Read a PNM file and create a 2C, 2L or 2Q image.

option is NPIC_PNM_OPTION_NONE, or NPIC_PNM_LITTLE_ENDIAN (default is big endian).

Return image on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoPNM (const char *filename, Npic_file_compress comp);
Print infos about a PNM file.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.

As an example, see test-pnm.c


1.3.6. Printing an image in ascii

Sources: files_print.h , files_print.c .

Work only on 2D images.


    int NpicPrintImage (Npic_image *np);
    int NpicPrintImageB(Npic_image *np);
Print whole image to stdout, without or with border pixels.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    int NpicPrintImageF (Npic_image *np, FILE *f);
    int NpicPrintImageBF (Npic_image *np, FILE *f);
Print whole image to a file f, without or with border pixels. The file must be opened before calling, and closed after.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.


    int NpicPrintImageF_YX (Npic_image *np, FILE *f, 
                            int y1, int y2, int x1, int x2);
The same for a bounding box y1 <= y <= y2 and x1 <= x <= x2.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else return error code. Verbose.

As an example, see test-mirror.c.

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1.4. Masks


1.4.1. Creation of a mask

Sources: mask_creat.h , mask_creat.c.


    Npic_mask *NpicCreateMask (int ntype);
Creation of a mask, with current number of vectors set to 0.

Return the mask on success, else return NULL. Verbose.



    Npic_mask *nm1;
    nm1 = NpicCreateMask (NPIC_MASK_..);
    if (nm1 == NULL) ...
    NpicDestroyMask (nm1);


    Npic_mask *NpicCreateMaskDP (int dim, int pixeltype);
Creation of a mask, having dimension dim (in 2..6), and pixeltype being NPIC_C or NPIC_L. The current number of vectors is set to 0.

Return the mask on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *nm1;
    nm1 = NpicCreateMaskDP (2, NPIC_L);
    if (nm1 == NULL) ...
    NpicDestroyMask (nm1);


    void NpicDestroyMask (Npic_mask *nm1);
Destruction of a mask (even if it is not ok). Silent.


    Npic_mask *NpicCopyMask (Npic_mask *src);
Copy a mask src to a mask dest. Do nothing if src is not ok. Do not copy text properties; for that, use NpicMaskCopyProps.

Return the mask on success, else return NULL. Verbose.


1.4.2. Checks on a mask

Sources: mask_check.h , mask_check.c.


    int NpicMaskIsOK (Npic_mask *m, const char *funcname);
Check if mask is not NULL, has correct type and is ok.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else print a message containing funcname and return error code.


    int NpicMaskCompat (Npic_mask *m, Npic_mask *np);
Check if mask type and mask type are compatible (even if not ok).

Return NPIC_SUCCESS, else error code. Silent.


1.4.3. Type to name and vice-versa

Sources: mask_ntype.h , mask_ntype.c .


    int NpicMaskNtype (int dim, int pixeltype);
Describe the mask type corresponding to dim and pixeltype, where dim is in 2..6 and pixeltype is one of NPIC_L, NPIC_D.

Return one of these constants: NPIC_MASK_2L, .. NPIC_MASK_6D, else NPIC_NONE on error. Silent.


    int NpicMaskPixelType (int ntype)
Describe the pixel type from the mask type ntype, where ntype is one of NPIC_MASK_2D .. NPIC_MASK_6D.
Return one of these constants: NPIC_L, NPIC_D, else NPIC_NONE on error. Silent.


    const char *NpicMaskTypeName (int ntype);
Return a static string containing the name of the mask type, such as "NPIC_MASK_2L", else "ERROR". ntype is one of NPIC_MASK_2L .. NPIC_MASK_6D. Silent.


    int NpicMaskDim (int type);
Return the dimension from the type, or -1. Silent.


1.4.4. Inserting vectors

Sources: mask_creat.h , mask_creat.c.


    void NpicMaskInsert_2l (Npic_mask *m,        int y, int x, Npic_l h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_2d (Npic_mask *m,        int y, int x, Npic_d h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_3l (Npic_mask *m, int z, int y, int x, Npic_l h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_3d (Npic_mask *m, int z, int y, int x, Npic_d h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_4l (Npic_mask *m, 
                                   int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_l h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_4d (Npic_mask *m, 
                                   int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_d h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_5l (Npic_mask *m, 
                            int s, int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_l h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_5d (Npic_mask *m, 
                            int s, int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_d h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_6l (Npic_mask *m, 
                     int r, int s, int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_l h);
    void NpicMaskInsert_6d (Npic_mask *m, 
                     int r, int s, int t, int z, int y, int x, Npic_d h);
Insert a vector in the mask m, and expand its internal list if necessary. h is a weight associated to the vector.

Do nothing if m is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.


1.4.5. Computing masks

Sources: mask_comp.h , mask_comp.c.


    Npic_mask *NpicCompHalfMask(Npic_mask *mg);
Create and compute the half mask corresponding to the mask generator mg, by inserting all the G-symmetrical vectors of mg which are in the half space in scan line order "for t, for z, for y, for x".

Do nothing if mg is not ok. Do not copy text properties; for that, use NpicMaskCopyProps.

Return the new mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *NpicCompFullMask(Npic_mask *mg);
Create and compute the full mask corresponding to the mask generator mg, by inserting all the G-symmetrical vectors of mg.

Do nothing if mg is not ok. Do not copy text properties; for that, use NpicMaskCopyProps.

Return the new mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *NpicCompGeneMask(Npic_mask *m);
Create and compute the mask generator corresponding to the half or full mask m. Assume m is G-symmetric.

Do nothing if m is not ok. Do not copy text properties; for that, use NpicMaskCopyProps.

Return the new mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicMaskLargestCoord (Npic_mask *m);
Compute the largest coordinate r of the vectors in the mask (even if m is not ok).

Return r on success, else 0. Silent.


1.4.6. Accessing to vectors

Sources: mask_creat.h , mask_creat.c.


    void *NpicCastMask (Npic_mask *m);
Return the mask which is inside the Npic_mask structure (even if not ok). Silent.

We call n-mask a mask of type Npic_mask, which can store a mask having any of the allowed dimensions and pixel types. A typed mask is a variable of type Npic_mask_dt having a determined dimension d and pixel type t.

The vectors cannot be accessed in a n-mask. Since Npic_mask is a union of structs, we normally should write Npic_mask_dt *m1 = &nm1->dm_dt to get the typed mask m1 from nm1; thanks to this function, we can simplier write Npic_mask_dt *m1 = NpicCastMask (nm1). How does it work ? This is actually a simple cast of the Npic_mask* type to void*.

Of course, NpicCastMask must be called after successful creation of a mask:

    Npic_mask   *nm1;   /* the n-mask     */
    Npic_mask_2l *m1;   /* the typed mask */
    nm1 = NpicCreateMask (NPIC_MASK_2L);
    if (nm1 == NULL) return;
    NpicMaskInsert_2l (nm1, 0, 1, 5);
    NpicMaskInsert_2l (nm1, 1, 1, 7);

    m1 = NpicCastMask (nm1);
    for (i = 0; i < m1->nb; i++)
        printf ("y = %d  x = %d  h = %"NPIC_LP"\n", 
            m1->v[i].y, m1->v[i].x, m1->v[i].h);
    NpicDestroyMask (nm1);

To printf a weight of type Npic_d, use format %lf ; when the type is Npic_l, use format %"NPIC_LP" (NPIC_LP is a macro, its value is d or ld, depending on the actual type of Npic_l: int or long).


1.4.7. Printing

Sources: mask_creat.h , mask_creat.c.


    void NpicPrintMask (Npic_mask *m);
Print a mask to stdout. Do not print if not ok. Verbose.

As an example, see test-mask.c


1.4.8. NMASK format for masks

Sources: files_nmask.h , files_nmask.c .

The NMASK file format (extension .nmask) is a proposed file format for storing masks, such as distance masks, medial axis test neighbourhood, convolution masks, etc, whatever the dimension and the pixel type.

The beginning of the file is a text header describing the content and the text properties, the next is a text list of vectors and weights. See section 3.2.for specifications.

The properties allow to store additionnal datas, such as the purpose of the mask, or if symmetries must be computed before use, etc. Properties are not limited in number neither in size, see section 1.7.3.


    int NpicWriteMask (Npic_mask *m, const char *filename);
Save Npic_mask mask in a file with extension ".nmask" of ".nmask.gz" (compressed on fly).

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, return error code. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *NpicReadMask (const char *filename);
Read a file with extension ".nmask" of ".nmask.gz" (uncompressed on fly) and create a mask.

Return mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    int NpicInfoMask (const char *filename);
Print infos of a file in ".nmask" of ".nmask.gz" format.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS on success, else error code. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *NpicReadDistanceMask (const char *filename);
Read a file in ".nmask" of ".nmask.gz" format, check in its properties if it is a distance mask, create appropriate mask and add G-symmetries if needed.

Return mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.


    Npic_mask *NpicReadMedialAxisMask (const char *filename);
Read a file in ".nmask" of ".nmask.gz" format, check in its properties if it is a medial axis mask (a.k.a MLut or neighbourhood test), create appropriate mask.

The "RVerified" text property stores the largest verified radius. If absent, or less than the largest radius, the latter is stored.

Return mask on success, else NULL. Verbose.

To create and manage masks, see npic-mask.c .


1.4.9. G-symmetries

For sources, see mask_gsym.h , mask_gsym.c .

NpicGsymPermu Init / Next

    void NpicGsymPermuInit (Npic_gsym *gs);
    int NpicGsymPermuNext (Npic_gsym *gs);
Johnson's algorithm to compute all permutations in [1 .. dim] see (Johnson 1963) and (R. Seroul 1995). This function also check if (x[1], .., x[dim]) is unique.

NpicGsymCombi Init / Next

    void NpicGsymCombiInit (Npic_gsym *gs);
    int NpicGsymCombiNext (Npic_gsym *gs);
Compute all the distinct sign combinations of (x[1], .., x[dim]) which are in the half-mask in scan line order (when half==1), or in the full-mask (when half==0).

The scan line order is : for t[dim], for t[dim-1], .., for t[1]. A point (x[1], .., x[j], 0 ... 0) belongs to the half mask iff x[j] > 0.

NpicGsym Init / Next

    void NpicGsymInit (Npic_gsym *gs);
    int NpicGsymNext (Npic_gsym *gs);
Compute all the distinct G-symmetries of (x[1], .., x[dim]) in the half (or full) mask. The G-symmetries are all the permutations and sign combinations.


    void NpicGsymPrint (Npic_gsym *gs);
Print positions pos[], directions dir[] and coordinates x[].


    Npic_gsym gs;
    gs.x[1] = 1; gs.x[2] = 3; gs.x[3] = 0; gs.dim = 3; gs.half = 1;

    NpicGsymInit (&gs);
    while (NpicGsymNext (&gs))
        NpicGsymPrint (&gs);

As an example, see test-gsym.c

Contents   Prev   Next

1.5. Computations on images


1.5.1. Comparison of pixels

Sources: calc_diff.h , calc_diff.c .


    int NpicCompare (Npic_image *np1, Npic_image *np2, int n);
Compare two images, pixel per pixel (border pixels excluded).

Return <0 if images are not ok, or do not have same type and size, 0 if same pixel values, >0 the number of pixels which differ.

Print at most n differences. Verbose.


    int NpicCompareBin (Npic_image *np1, Npic_image *np2, int n);
The same, but compare pixel binary values (== 0 or != 0).


1.5.2. Changing values

Sources: calc_values.h , calc_values.c .

The following functions do not modify border pixels; they do nothing if np is not ok, set not ok on error, and are verbose.

Depending on image type, use function_i for integer pixels, function_d for double pixels, function_q for 4 short pixels.


    void NpicFillVal_i (Npic_image *np, int val1);
    void NpicFillVal_d (Npic_image *np, double val1);
    void NpicFillVal_q (Npic_image *np, int a, int b, int c, int d);
Set all pixels to the value val1.


    void NpicChangeVal_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicChangeVal_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicChangeVal_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                          int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value val1 to the value val2.


    void NpicExchangeVal_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicExchangeVal_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicExchangeVal_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                            int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value val1 to the value val2, and vice versa.


    double NpicMaxValue (Npic_image *np1);
    double NpicMinValue (Npic_image *np1);
Return the max or min of pixels values in image interior.


1.5.3. Thresholding pixel values

Sources: calc_threshold.h , calc_threshold.c .

The following functions do not modify border pixels; they do nothing if np is not ok, set not ok on error, and are verbose.

Depending on image type, use function_i for integer pixels, function_d for double pixels, function_q for 4 short pixels.


    void NpicThresholdLT_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicThresholdLT_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicThresholdLT_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                            int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value < val1 to the value val2.


    void NpicThresholdLE_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicThresholdLE_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicThresholdLE_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                            int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value <= val1 to the value val2.


    void NpicThresholdGT_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicThresholdGT_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicThresholdGT_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                            int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value > val1 to the value val2.


    void NpicThresholdGE_i (Npic_image *np, int val1, int val2);
    void NpicThresholdGE_d (Npic_image *np, double val1, double val2);
    void NpicThresholdGE_q (Npic_image *np, int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1,
                                            int a2, int b2, int c2, int d2);
Set each pixel having value >= val1 to the value val2.


1.5.4. Summing images

Sources: calc_algeb.h , calc_algeb.c .

The following functions do not modify border pixels. The images must have same type and size; they can have same address in memory.

The functions do nothing if one of the image is not ok; they set not ok for dest on error, and are verbose.


    void NpicLinearSum (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, double c1, double c2);
Set each pixel of dest to a linear combination of corresponding pixels in src1 :
dest := src1 * c1 + c2 .


    void NpicBilinearSum (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, Npic_image *src2, 
                   double c1, double c2, double c3);
Set each pixel of dest to a linear combination of corresponding pixels in src1 and src2 :
dest := src1 * c1 + src2 * c2 + c3 .


    void NpicTrilinearSum (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, Npic_image *src2, 
                   Npic_image *src3, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4);
Set each pixel of dest to a linear combination of corresponding pixels in src1, src2 and src3 :
dest := src1 * c1 + src2 * c2 + src3 * c3 + c4 .


    void NpicQuadraticSum (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1,
                           double c1, double c2, double c3);
Set each pixel of dest to a quadratic combination of corresponding pixels in src1 :
dest := src1^2 * c1 + src1 * c2 + c3 .


    void NpicBiQuadraticSum (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src1, Npic_image *src2, 
                     double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5);
Set each pixel of dest to a quadratic combination of corresponding pixels in src1 and src2 :
dest := src1^2 * c1 + src1 * c2 + src2^2 * c3 + src2 * c4 + c5 .


1.5.5. Drawing into images

Sources: calc_draw.h , calc_draw.c .

The following functions do not modify border pixels; they do nothing if np is not ok, set not ok on error, and are verbose.

Depending on image dimension and pixels type, use appropriate function.


    void NpicDrawRect_?c (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_c val1);

    void NpicDrawRect_?l (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_l val1);

    void NpicDrawRect_?d (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_d val1);

    void NpicDrawRect_?q (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1);
Draw a rectangle bounded by P and Q, with pixel value val1. P and Q can be outside image. Replace ? by dimension: 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.


    void NpicDrawEllipse_?c (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_c val1);

    void NpicDrawEllipse_?l (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_l val1);

    void NpicDrawEllipse_?d (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_d val1);

    void NpicDrawEllipse_?q (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        int a1, int b1, int c1, int d1);
Draw an ellipse bounded by P and Q, with pixel value val1. P and Q can be outside image. Replace ? by dimension: 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.


1.5.6. Drawing lines

Sources: calc_bresenham.h , calc_bresenham.c .

The following functions do not modify border pixels; they do nothing if np is not ok, set not ok on error, and are verbose.

Depending on image dimension and pixels type, use appropriate function.


    void NpicDrawLine_?c (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_c cP, Npic_c cQ);

    void NpicDrawLine_?l (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_l cP, Npic_l cQ);

    void NpicDrawLine_?d (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        Npic_d cP, Npic_d cQ);

    void NpicDrawLine_?q (Npic_image *np, 
        ..., int yP, int xP, ..., int yQ, int xQ, 
        int aP, int bP, int cP, int dP, int aQ, int bQ, int cQ, int dQ);
Draw a discrete segment from P and Q, with pixel values from cP to cQ, using generalized Bresenham's algorithm. P and Q must be inside image. Replace ? by dimension: 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

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1.6. Distance Transformations


1.6.1. Front-end for Distance Transformations (DT)

Sources: dist_dt.h , dist_dt.c .

A distance transform (DT) is a copy of a binary image where each foreground point (non-zero points) is labelled to its distance to the background (zero points).

This section presents a front-end for distance transformations, allowing to compute DTs for weighted distances or Euclidean distances. The distance is defined by a mask mh, which is either a half weighted distance mask (the property DistanceType is Weighted), or a Euclidean distance mask, that is an empty mask with property DistanceType set to SquaredEuclidean, etc. See section 3.2.  for available distance types.

A number of distance masks is available in masks/. The weighted distance masks are starting with "d-", followed by integer weights; the Euclidean distance masks are starting with "d-sed" or "d-ced" or "d-fed" (Squared, Ceil, Floor Euclidean Distance, resp.).

The following functions do nothing if np is not ok. They set not ok on error and are verbose. They return computation time in second.microsecond. Available for images 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L and 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D.


    double NpicDT (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the distance transform (DT) on image np.


    double NpicDT_inf (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the distance transform (DT_inf) on image np, with "infinite border", i.e border pixels propagating no distance value.


    double NpicDT_rev (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the reverse distance transform (DT_rev) on image np.

The functions which actually perform the computations are presented bellow.


1.6.2. Squared Euclidean Distance Transformation (SEDT)

Sources: dist_sedt_hirata.h , dist_sedt_hirata.c , dist_sedt_saito.h , dist_sedt_saito.c , dist_sedt_quadra.h , dist_sedt_quadra.c .

The following functions do nothing if np is not ok. They set not ok on error and are verbose. They return computation time in second.microsecond . Available for images 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L and 6L.

All these function are multi-threaded with OpenMP (if enabled, see README).


    double NpicSEDT_Hirata (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_Saito  (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_quadra (Npic_image *np);
Compute the Squared Euclidean Distance Transform (SEDT) on image np :

- Use the optimal in time linear algorithm from Hirata [2] (and some fixes);
- use the separable algorithm from Saito [1];
- quadratic algorithm.


    double NpicSEDT_Hirata_inf (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_Saito_inf  (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_quadra_inf (Npic_image *np);
Do the same, but with "infinite border", i.e border pixels propagating no distance value:

- Derived from the optimal in time linear algorithm from Hirata [2];
- derived from the separable algorithm from Saito [1];
- quadratic algorithm.


    double NpicSEDT_Hirata_rev (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_Saito_rev  (Npic_image *np);
    double NpicSEDT_quadra_rev (Npic_image *np);
Compute the Reverse Squared Euclidean Distance Transform (RevSEDT) on image np:

- Derived from the optimal in time linear algorithm from Hirata [2] (see also [3]);
- derived from the separable algorithm from Saito [1];
- quadratic algorithm.

As an example, see npic-sedt.c

The Hirata's [2] and Saito's et al. [1] algorithms belongs to the family of separable transforms: they operate independently in each dimension. [1] was the first n-dimensional, exact and efficient SEDT, but still a non-linear algorithm. [2] is the linearized version of [1], and [3] is an extension of [2].
For SEDT and SEDT_inf, [1] is a little faster than [2] for small images, while [2] becomes much faster than [1] for large images. For SEDT_rev, [2] is generally much faster than [1] for all sizes.
The quadratic algorithms are very slow, but given for checks.



1.6.3. Weighted Distance Transformation (WDT)

Sources: dist_wdt.h , dist_wdt.c .

The following functions do nothing if np is not ok. They set not ok on error and are verbose. They return computation time in second.microsecond . Available for images 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L and 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D.


    double NpicWDT (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the weighted distance transform (WDT) on image np for the half chamfer mask mh.


    double NpicWDT_inf (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the weighted distance transform (WDT_inf) on image np for the half chamfer mask mh, with "infinite border", i.e border pixels propagating no distance value.


    double NpicWDT_rev (Npic_image *np, Npic_mask *mh);
Compute the reverse weighted distance transform (WDT_rev) on image np for the half chamfer mask mh.

As an example, see npic-wdt.c



1.6.4. Medial Axis Extraction

Sources: mlut_ma.h , mlut_ma.c .

The Medial Axis (MA) of shape S is the set of maximal balls in S, a ball B being maximal in S if B is included in S, and if B is not included in any other ball included in S. As MA is a covering of S, MA is a reversible transform.

The MA can be efficiently extracted from a DT, using a test neighbourhood (denoted Mlut) and a look-up-table (denoted Lut). The easiest way to compute MA is to use the first function bellow (NpicExtractMA_bin).

The following functions are available for images 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L and 6L.


    void NpicExtractMA_bin (Npic_image *np1, Npic_image *nMA,
                            Npic_mask *nMdist, Npic_mask *nMlut)
Compute a DT for a binary object, then extract Medial Axis from this DT.

Input: np1 a binary image, nMdist a distance mask (half weighted or Euclidean), nMlut a MA test neighboorhood or NULL.
Output: np1 contains the DT, nMA contains the medial axis, nMlut (if it wasn't NULL) is computed or updated.

Do nothing if images or masks are not ok. set not ok for MA on error. Verbose.

As an example, see npic-dtma.c.


    void NpicExtractMA_DT (Npic_image *nDT, Npic_image *nMA,
                           Npic_mask *nMdist, Npic_mask *nMlut)
Extract the Medial Axis from a DT.

Input: nDT a DT, nMdist a distance mask (half weighted or Euclidean), nMlut a MA test neighboorhood or NULL.
Output: nMA contains the medial axis, nMlut (if it wasn't NULL) is computed or updated.

Do nothing if images or masks are not ok. set not ok for MA on error. Verbose.


    void NpicExtractMA_Lut (Npic_image *nDT, Npic_image *nMA,
                            Npic_mask *nMlut, Npic_Lut *Lut, Npic_l Rmax);
Extract Medial Axis from a DT having Lut completely pre-computed.

Do nothing if nDT, nMA or nMlut is not ok. set not ok for MA on error. Verbose.


    void NpicExtractMA_Mlut (Npic_image *nDT, Npic_image *nMA, 
                             Npic_mask *nMlut, Npic_image *nCTg, Npic_l Rmax);
Extract Medial Axis from a DT having Mlut pre-computed, compute and store one Lut column at a time.

Do nothing if nDT, nMA or nMlut is not ok. set not ok for MA on error. Verbose.



1.6.5. Medial Axis - LUT and Mlut

Sources: mlut_remy.h , mlut_remy.c .

Additionnal sources: mlut_sedtg.h , mlut_sedtg.c , mlut_wdtg.h , mlut_wdtg.c.

These functions show the detail of the Medial Axis, Mlut and Lut computations.

The following functions are available for images 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L and 6L.


    double NpicMlutCompLutCol (Npic_image *nCTg, Npic_vec *vg, 
                               Npic_l Rmax, Npic_l *LutCol);
Lut column Computation Algorithm. See [3, chap.5 p.79], [1], [2].

Input: nCTg the distance cone to origin, vg the vector, Rmax the greatest radius to be verified in Lut.
Output: The Lut column LutCol is filled with the correct values.

Assume that nCTg is a L^n image and that LutCol is [0..Rmax].
Do nothing if nCTg is not ok. set not ok on error. Verbose.

Return computation time in second.microsecond


    int NpicMlutInitLut (Npic_Lut *Lut, Npic_l Rtarget);
Initialize the Lut structure with no column. The future columns will have [0..Rtarget] bounds.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS or error code. Verbose.


    int NpicMlutNewCol (Npic_Lut *Lut);
Create and Insert a column in Lut.

Return NPIC_SUCCESS or error code. Verbose.


    void NpicMlutFreeLut (Npic_Lut *Lut);
Free Lut and its columns. Verbose.


    int NpicMlutCompLutMask (Npic_image *nCTg, Npic_mask *nMlut, Npic_Lut *Lut, 
                             Npic_l Rknown, Npic_l Rtarget, Npic_mask *nMg);
Full Computation Algorithm of Lut and Mlut for SEDT [1] or WDT [2].

Input: nCTg a L^n image, nMlut the generator of the Lut mask, Lut the look-up table, Rknown the last verified radius, Rtarget the maximum radius to be verified, nMg == NULL for SEDT, else the generator of the WD mask.
Output: nMlut and Lut are filled with the correct values.

Do nothing if nCTg is not ok. Verbose. Return error code.

Usage: To compute nMlut and Lut from beginning to Rtarget with L such that L*L > Rtarget for SED :

    Npic_mask  *nMlut = NpicCreateMask (NPIC_MASK_..);
    Npic_image *nCTg  = NpicCreateImage_.. (L, L, ..., 0, 0, ...);
    Npic_Lut Lut;
    char s[200]; 
    NpicMaskAddProp (nMlut, "Nature", "MedialAxis");
    NpicMaskAddProp (nMlut, "RVerified", "0");
    NpicMlutCTg_SED (nCTg); 
    NpicMlutInitLut (&Lut, Rtarget);
    NpicMlutCompLutMask (nCTg, nMlut, &Lut, 0, Rtarget, NULL);
    sprintf (s, "%d", Rtarget);
    NpicMaskAddProp (nMlut, "RVerified", s);
    NpicWriteMask (nMlut, "name.nmask");
    NpicDestroyMask (nMlut);
    NpicDestroyImage (nCTg);
    NpicMlutFreeLut (&Lut);


    Npic_l *NpicAllocAndCompLutCol (Npic_mask *nMlut, Npic_image *nCTg, 
                                    Npic_l Rmax, int n);
Create and compute one Lut column. Return the column or NULL. The result must be freed after use.

Do nothing if nDT, nCTg or nMlut is not ok. Verbose.


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1.7. Miscellaneous


1.7.1. Error messages

Sources: errors.h , errors.c .


    const char *NpicStrErr (int err);
Return the string message corresponding to error-code err.


    int NpicError (const char *funcname, int err, const char *format, ...);
Return err and, if err != NPIC_SUCCESS, print error message on stderr:


    err = myfunc();
    if (err != NPIC_SUCCESS) return NpicError ("myfunc", err, "");

    err = loadfile (filename);
    if (err != NPIC_SUCCESS) return NpicError ("loadfile", err, " in \"%s\"", filename);


1.7.2. Computation time

Sources: misc.h , misc.c .


    double NpicGetTime ();
Return time since Epoch (1970, january the 1st at 00:00) in seconds.microseconds .


    double time1, time2;
    time1 = NpicGetTime ();
    time2 = NpicGetTime ();
    printf ("Computation time : %.6lf s\n", time2-time1);


1.7.3. Text properties

Sources: props.h , props.c , image_prop.h , image_prop.c , mask_prop.h , mask_prop.c .

A property is a couple (key, val) where key and val are strings. A property list is a list of properties where each key is unique.

The key and val are not limited in size neither in number; but they must be 7-bit ANSI strings, to avoid internationalization problems. More precisely :

To manage a list of properties, declare Npic_props props, initialize with NpicInitProps (&props), then use one of the functions NpicAddProp, NpicSupprProp, NpicGetProp, NpicHasProp, NpicPrintProps, and finally, free with NpicFreeProps (&props).

Each image and each mask has its own property list, which is automatically initialized at creation and freed at destruction. For images use the fonctions NpicImage... ; for masks use the fonctions NpicMask.... These functions do nothing if the object is not ok.


    void NpicInitProps (Npic_props *props);
Initialize Npic_props structure. Silent.


    void NpicFreeProps (Npic_props *props);
    void NpicImageFreeProps (Npic_image *m);
    void NpicMaskFreeProps (Npic_mask *m);
Free Npic_props structure. Silent.


    int NpicCopyProps (Npic_props *dest, Npic_props *src);
    int NpicImageCopyProps (Npic_image *dest, Npic_image *src);
    int NpicMaskCopyProps (Npic_mask *dest, Npic_mask *src);
Copy properties from src to dest ; free dest before if non empty. On success return NPIC_SUCCESS, else error code. Silent.


    int NpicPropKeyIsValid (const char *key);
    int NpicPropValIsValid (const char *val);
Test if a key or a val is valid. Return 1 if valid, else 0. Silent.


    int NpicAddProp (Npic_props *props, const char *key, const char *val);
    int NpicImageAddProp (Npic_image *np, const char *key, const char *val);
    int NpicMaskAddProp (Npic_mask *m, const char *key, const char *val);
Insert a property (key, val) in properties list (only if key and val are valid, else they are rejected). If key is already in list, the val is overwritten. The list is sorted by key, to allow fast dichotomic search. The list is enlarged if necessary. On success return NPIC_SUCCESS, else error code. Verbose.


    int NpicSupprProp (Npic_props *props, const char *key);
    int NpicImageSupprProp (Npic_image *np, const char *key);
    int NpicMaskSupprProp (Npic_mask *m, const char *key);
Remove a property (key, val) from properties list. The list is kept sorted, without hole. The list is shortened if necessary. On success return NPIC_SUCCESS, else error code. Verbose.


    const char *NpicGetProp (Npic_props *props, const char *key);
    const char *NpicImageGetProp (Npic_image *np, const char *key);
    const char *NpicMaskGetProp (Npic_mask *m, const char *key);
Search a property from its key. Return property value if found, else "". Silent. To know if a property is set, use NpicHasProp.


    const char *NpicGetPropD (Npic_props *props, const char *key, const char *default_val);
    const char *NpicImageGetPropD (Npic_image *np, const char *key, const char *default_val);
    const char *NpicMaskGetPropD (Npic_mask *m, const char *key, const char *default_val);
Same as NpicGetProp, except that it returns default_val if property is not found.


    int NpicHasProp (Npic_props *props, const char *key);
    int NpicImageHasProp (Npic_image *np, const char *key);
    int NpicMaskHasProp (Npic_mask *m, const char *key);
Search a property from its key. Return 1 if found, else 0. Silent.


    void NpicPrintProps (Npic_props *props);
    void NpicImagePrintProps (Npic_image *np);
    void NpicMaskPrintProps (Npic_mask *m);
Print all properties.

As an example, see test-props.c

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2. Npic Types

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2.1. Pixels

Sources: pixels.h

Basic types

Npic_sint8 and Npic_uint8 are signed and unsigned 8 bits integers (generally defined as char).

Npic_sint16 and Npic_uint16 are signed and unsigned 16 bits integers (generally defined as short).

Npic_sint32 and Npic_uint32 are signed and unsigned 32 bits integers. On 32 bits systems, they are defined as long; on 64 bits systems, they are defined as int. To printf such an integer in a portable way, use %"NPIC_PL" instead of %d (the macro NPIC_PL is defined as ld or d).

Byte swap

The macros NPIC_BSWAP16(x), NPIC_BSWAP32(x), NPIC_BSWAP64(x) swap the bytes on integers or floating numbers.

Pixels definition

The pixel types are defined as follows:

    typedef Npic_uint8   Npic_c;
    typedef Npic_sint16  Npic_s;
    typedef Npic_sint32  Npic_l;
    typedef double       Npic_d;

Quadri-color pixels

The type Npic_q is defined as follows, with alternatives:

typedef struct { Npic_uint16 a, b, c, d ; } Npic_q;
typedef struct { Npic_uint16 r, g, b, a ; } Npic_rgba;
typedef struct { Npic_uint16 c, m, y, k ; } Npic_cmyk;
typedef struct { Npic_uint16 h, s, v, a ; } Npic_hsva;

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2.2. Images

Sources: images.h


The Npic_image type is a union of structs :

    typedef union {
        int              type;
        Npic_image_gen   gen;
        Npic_image_2c    im_2c;
        Npic_image_2l    im_2l;
        Npic_image_2d    im_2d;
        Npic_image_2q    im_2q;
        Npic_image_3c    im_3c;
        Npic_image_3l    im_3l;
        Npic_image_3d    im_3d;
        Npic_image_3q    im_3q;
        Npic_image_4c    im_4c;
        Npic_image_4l    im_4l;
        Npic_image_4d    im_4d;
        Npic_image_4q    im_4q;
        Npic_image_5c    im_5c;
        Npic_image_5l    im_5l;
        Npic_image_5d    im_5d;
        Npic_image_5q    im_5q;
        Npic_image_6c    im_6c;
        Npic_image_6l    im_6l;
        Npic_image_6d    im_6d;
        Npic_image_6q    im_6q;
    } Npic_image;


where 2,3,4,5,6 stands for the dimension, and the letter stands for the pixel type: C for Npic_c, L for Npic_l, D for Npic_d, Q for Npic_q.

Generic access

The field gen is a generic field for accessing to the struct fields, which is possible because all the image structs are strictly identical in memory. Some fields are protected with a '_', they should not be used.

    typedef struct {
        int  type,                                  /* Nature : NPIC_IMAGE_2C, ..   */
             ok,                                    /* status of image              */
             pixsize,                               /* Memory size of one pixel     */
             dim,                                   /* Dimension : 2 .. 6           */
             xbor, ybor, zbor, tbor, sbor, rbor,    /* Width of the borders  : >= 0 */
             xmax, ymax, zmax, tmax, smax, rmax,    /* Width, height, ..     : >  0 */
             xtot, ytot, ztot, ttot, stot, rtot;    /* Total width, ..       : >  0 */
        size_t pixtot;                              /* Total number of pixels: > 0  */
        void **vy_, **vz_, **vt_, **vs_, **vr_;     /* Base addr of lines, plans .. */
        void *vec_,                                 /* Linear array of pixels       */
             *pix_;         /* Access [y][x] or [z][y][x] or .. [r][s][t][z][y][x]  */
        Npic_props props;   /* To store a list of text properties, see props.h      */
    } Npic_image_gen;
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2.3. Masks

Sources: masks.h


The Npic_mask type is a union of structs :

    typedef union {
        int            type;
        Npic_mask_gen  gen;
        Npic_mask_2l   dm_2l;
        Npic_mask_2d   dm_2d;
        Npic_mask_3l   dm_3l;
        Npic_mask_3d   dm_3d;
        Npic_mask_4l   dm_4l;
        Npic_mask_4d   dm_4d;
        Npic_mask_5l   dm_5l;
        Npic_mask_5d   dm_5d;
        Npic_mask_6l   dm_6l;
        Npic_mask_6d   dm_6d;
    } Npic_mask;


where 2,3,4,5,6 stands for dimension, L stands for Npic_l, D for Npic_d.

Generic access

The field gen is a generic field for accessing to the struct fields, which is possible because all the mask structs are strictly identical in memory.

    typedef struct {
        int   type,          /* Nature : NPIC_MASK_2L, ..                  */
              ok,            /* Status of mask                             */
              size,          /* Memory size of one vector                  */
              nb,            /* Current number of vectors                  */
              tot,           /* Total number of allocated vectors          */
              step;          /* Increment for realloc                      */
        void  *v;            /* Allocated list of weightings               */
        Npic_props props;    /* To store a list of properties, see props.h */
    } Npic_mask_gen;


A weighting is a vector (..,y,x) and a value h (a weight, a radius, etc).

    typedef struct { int y, x;             Npic_l  h; } Npic_weighting_2l;
    typedef struct { int y, x;             Npic_d  h; } Npic_weighting_2d;
    typedef struct { int z, y, x;          Npic_l  h; } Npic_weighting_3l;
    typedef struct { int z, y, x;          Npic_d  h; } Npic_weighting_3d;
    typedef struct { int t, z, y, x;       Npic_l  h; } Npic_weighting_4l;
    typedef struct { int t, z, y, x;       Npic_d  h; } Npic_weighting_4d;
    typedef struct { int s, t, z, y, x;    Npic_l  h; } Npic_weighting_5l;
    typedef struct { int s, t, z, y, x;    Npic_d  h; } Npic_weighting_5d;
    typedef struct { int r, s, t, z, y, x; Npic_l  h; } Npic_weighting_6l;
    typedef struct { int r, s, t, z, y, x; Npic_d  h; } Npic_weighting_6d;
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2.4. Miscellaneous


2.4.1. G-symmetries

Sources: mask_gsym.h

The struct Npic_gsym is used for computing the G-symmetries.

    #define NPIC_GSYM_MAX 20
    typedef struct {
       int dim,                 /* Dimension and coordinates */
           x[NPIC_GSYM_MAX],    /* (x[1], x[2], ..., x[dim]) */
           half,                /* Compute 1: half, 0: full mask */
           dir[NPIC_GSYM_MAX],  /* Direction and position for */
           pos[NPIC_GSYM_MAX],  /* Johnson's permutation algorithm */
           k, kmax,             /* Number of sign combination */
           bin_mask;            /* Binary mask to forbid combinations */
    } Npic_gsym;


2.4.2. Vector

Sources: misc.h

The struct Npic_vec stores the coordinates of a vector. The use of fields z, t, s, r is dimension dependent.

    typedef struct { int x, y, z, t, s, r; } Npic_vec;


2.4.3. Lut for medial axis

Sources: mlut_remy.h

The struct Npic_Lut is used for storing the look-up table in medial axis extraction.

    typedef struct {
        int col_nb,     /* Number of allocated columns */
            col_tot,    /* size of vector of column addresses */
            col_len;    /* size of one column */
        Npic_l **v;
    } Npic_Lut;


2.4.4. Text Properties

Sources: props.h

The followings structs are used for storing text properties.

    typedef struct { char *key, *val; } Npic_atom;
    typedef struct { int nb, tot; Npic_atom *list; } Npic_props;

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3. Npic File Formats

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3.1. Image file format NPZ

The NPZ file format (with .npz extension) is the proposed format to read and save Npic images, whatever the dimension, the pixel type and the endianness. The beginning of the file is a text header describing the content (use Unix command head to watch it) and the text properties, the next is the bitmap compressed with gzip. The library file functions are described in section 1.3.2..

The NPZ file format can store text properties. A text property is a couple of strings "keyword: value" on a single line. Properties are not limited in number neither in size, see section 1.7.3..

Here is an exemple with the header of a 3-d image having one text-property:

    # Image file generated by libNpic - Mon Dec  3 16:24:17 2007
    XMAX 50
    YMAX 50
    ZMAX 50
    PROP Alpha-Color: 0

The command-line tool npic-new allows to create an image; npic-draw draws pixels in it.

Format specification

The format file begins with a text header and ends with the binary compressed datas. The header mandatory starts by NPZ-11. Then, in any order, you can find :

Giving TYPE, COMP and image side lengths is mandatory. The text header ends with DATA, followed by exactly one char.

The second part is the binary datas compressed through a pipe to gzip (or gunzip when reading). If you suppress the text header, you can then uncompress the resulting file with gzip.

The binary datas (before compression) starts with a magic value depending on pixel type ( C : no magic value ; Q : 0x1234 ; L : 0x12345678 ; D : 1.2345678987654321e-279 ). The intent is to test if the endianness of the source program and the destination program is the same. If not, every int16 or int32 or double will be byte-swapped on reading. This way, no care about endianness is taken on writing, only on reading if necessary.

Following the magic value, come the raw datas, which are binary pixels values in scan line order (for r, for s, for t, for z, for y, for x).

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3.2. Mask file format NMASK

The Npic file format NMASK allows to store a mask in a file (with extension .nmask or .nmask.gz). The mask functions are described in section 1.4., the file functions in 1.4.8., and the mask type in 2.3..

A mask is a list of vectors, each vector being associated to a weight (a local distance, an appearance radius, etc). The vectors must have integral coordinates, in dimension 2 to 6. The weights can be signed int32 or double.
Text properties can also be stored in the file. A text property is a couple of strings "keyword: value" on a single line. Properties are not limited in number neither in size, see section 1.7.3.. Some properties are already reserved, see below, but any other properties can be added as you need.

Here is an exemple with the 2D mask of the distance chamfer 5-7-11 :

    # Mask file generated by libNpic - Thu Jan  6 17:06:19 2011
    PROP AddSym: GSymToHalfMask
    PROP DistanceType: Weighted
    PROP Nature: Distance
    #  y    x      h
       0    1      5
       1    1      7
       1    2     11

The command-line tool npic-mask allows to generate or manipulate masks; npic-wdt computes weigthed distance transforms.

Format specification

The format is a full text file beginning with a header and ending with the datas. The header mandatory starts by NMASK-11. Then, in any order, you can find :

Giving the TYPE of the mask is mandatory. The header ends with DATA\n, followed by the list of vectors coordinates and weights. Depending on the dimension, each line stores "y x h" or "z y x h" or "t z y x h" or "s t z y x h" or "r s t z y x h" (h is the weight). The order of vectors is kept in the file.

Reserved properties

Some text properties are specified :

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