Résumé de séminaire

Séminaire du LIM (LIF et LSIS)
Mardi 12 juin à 14h - CMI, Salle de séminaire
Witold Charatonik
Max-Planck Institute, Saarbrücken
Set constraints

Résumé :

Set constraints denote relations between sets of trees. They are motivated by applications in program analysis and have been widely studied over the last ten years. Syntactically, they are conjunctions of inclusions between expressions built over variables, constructors (constants and function symbols from a given alphabet) and a choice of set operators that defines the specific class of set constraints.

In this talk I will briefly introduce the area and speak about the satisfiability problem for set constraints; in particular about the history of the problem, its complexity, and about the methods of set-constraint solving.

Références :

Page web : http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~witold/

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