Résumé de séminaire

Séminaire du LIF
Lundi 21 novembre à 10h - Luminy, Salle de réunion 6e étage TPR1 entrée G
Michele Conforti
Université de Padoue
Simple mixed integer programs

Résumé :

Given a set of the form P = {(x,y) : Ax+By <= d }, we address the question of finding a description for the convex hull of the mixed-integer set ZMIP = {(x,y) in P, y integer } associated with P.

Given a mixed-integer set ZMIP, the approach that we use here to compute a formulation for conv(ZMIP) is as follows. We study the sets VZMIP, RZMIP of vertices and extreme rays of conv(ZMIP). We then find a small number of subsets V i of conv(ZMIP) and R i of RZMIP whose union contains VZMIP and RZMIP respectively. For each of the pairs (V i,R i) we compute a formulation for conv(V i)+cone(R i). The last step is to derive a formulation for the convex hull of the union of these polyhedra. For this we use a classical result of Balas.

Références :

Coordonnées : http://www.math.unipd.it/dipartimento/ricerca/or/conforti.html

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