Résumé de séminaire

Séminaire du LIF
Jeudi 23 juin à 14h - Luminy, Amphi 11
Gianpaolo Oriolo
Universita' di Tor Vergata, Roma ; currently at Lif
Robust Network Design

Résumé :

A crucial assumption in many network design problems is that of knowing the traffic demand in advance. Unfortunately, measuring and predicting traffic demands are difficult problems. Moreover, in several applications, communication patterns change over time, and therefore we are not given a single static traffic matrix demand, but a set of non-simultaneous traffic demands. Still, we would like to design a min-cost network that is able to support any traffic demand that is from the given set.

In the talk I will discuss several strategies for approaching this problem.

Références :

Home page : http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/users/oriolo/

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