Résumé de séminaire

Séminaire du LIF
Jeudi 30 Novembre à 14h - CMI, Salle du Conseil
Steve Kremer
LSV, ENS Cachan
Verifying privacy-type properties of electronic voting protocols

Résumé :

Recently, we formally studied important properties of electronic voting protocols using the applied pi calculus. In particular we are interested in coercion-resistance and receipt-freeness. Intuitively, an election protocol is coercion-resistant if a voter A cannot prove to a potential coercer C that she voted in a particular way. We assume that A cooperates with C in an interactive fashion. Receipt-freeness is a weaker property, for which we assume that A and C cannot interact during the protocol: to break receipt-freeness, A later provides evidence (the receipt) of how she voted. While receipt-freeness can be expressed using observational equivalence from the applied pi calculus, we need to introduce a new relation to capture coercion-resistance. Our formalization of coercion-resistance and receipt-freeness are quite different. Nevertheless, we show in accordance with intuition that coercion-resistance implies receipt-freeness, which implies privacy, the basic anonymity property of voting protocols, as defined in previous work. Finally we illustrate the definitions on several voting protocols.

Home-Page de l'orateur: http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~kremer/

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